Track and pay the rent, utilities or any other payment between the landlord and the tenant.

Aici poți vedea exact situația cheltuielilor pentru locuința ta.

See what the tenants owe you and confirm the payments made outside the app.
You pay for utilities directly from the app.
Whether you pay the utilities yourself or the tenant pays them, Lightly automatically calculates the debts.
You can pay the tenant's bills and they will be automatically added to the amount he owes you.
You can add all of your properties.
You can pay the tenant's bills and they will be automatically added to the amount he owes you.
You can add all of your properties.

See what happens to your properties at just a glance and act if needed.

Track your monthly expenses, yours and the tenants' expenses

Urmărești și plătești chiria și utilitățile

Confirm and make payments directly from the Lightly app

Poți efectua plăți ușor, direct din aplicație

Ai la dispoziție toate conturile de utilități din România și poți adăuga orice tip de cheltuială

Lightly comunică cu cele mai populare firme de utilități

For owners

Primele 6 luni gratuite

Then you get access
for 2EUR
per month/property

gratuit pentru chiriași
See how much you have to pay directly each month.
Invite the landlord from your account to set up the property and confirm yourself as a tenant.

What Lightly Users Are Saying

See how Lightly has eased and improved the relationship between landlords and tenants

Stay up to date with the status of properties and transactions.

Track and pay the rent, utilities or any other payment between the landlord and the tenant.

The app that landlords
and tenants need.